The Schemes are as follows 1. YOUTH AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRENEURS PROGRAMME (YAGEP) 2. SKILLS TRAINING AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP PROGRAMME (STEP) 3. PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING SUPPORT PROGRAMME (PPSP) 4. TRACTORISATION 5. EXTENSION OF LOANS 6. DEVELOPMENT OF AGRO INDUSTRIES -The Youth Agricultural Entrepreneur Programme YAGEP involves trainining in agriculture and agric business to empower Youth with knowledge and starter packs to start their own farms. - The Skills Training And Entrepreneurship Programme STEP involves the training of youths in skills/trade, and helping them to be self employed for wealth creation. The Training is by accredited skills acquisition centres and vocational woqkshops. The YAGEP and STEP trainings started august 2015 with tow bathes enrolled so far into the sheme, There is a promise to enroo myre applicants. When advertised, forms can be accessed online. Check FOR CLARIFICATION AND INFORMATION; Please Call These Help Lines - 08037405789 , 08034384382 - The Production And Processing Support Programme (PPSP) involves the provission of subsidised inputs to crop, livestock, fish farmers and equipment for agricultural processing enterprises for enganced output and productivity, agricultural income and food security. - Tractorisation involves the transfer of management of tractor services to Farmers inorder to enhance affordable access to tractor services, reduce drudgery, improve mechanised agriculture and promote agri business. - EXTENSION OF LOANS - involves the provission of micro credit and loans to Artisans, Farmers Traders, Women And Youths to increase access to working capital, expand enterprises, promote productivity and higher incomes. - DEVELOPMENT OF AGRO INDUSTRIES involves the establishment of modular agro processing plants to increase markets for agricultural produce, develop out growers, promote value addition and create jobs & wealth.

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